User Interface - Helpful Videos

User Interface Start-up

See video below - contact Revolution with questions!

Adjust Audio Gain

  1. Back out of Guided Access.
  2. Go back one menu, by pressing MixEffect Pro.
  3. Choose Audio.
  4. Right corner of Mic 1, choose the 3 dots.
  5. Modify the 0 dB to your choosing. We recommend going 2-3 dB at a time and then checking.
  6. Once you are good with the new level, be sure to Save the Startup State, following the video and process below

Save Start-up State (after making changes!)

  1. Back out of Guided Access.
  2. Choose Overlay.
  3. Go back one menu, by pressing MixEffect Pro.
  4. Choose Settings.
  5. Save Startup State.
  6. Save!


Adding Jump Drive Tether to UI 

See video below - contact Revolution with questions!

Adjust Recording Bitrate

There are two ways to update the bitrate of the recordings. The easiest way is to access via the User Interface / Mix Effect.

The second way involves connecting a USB cable from our equipment to a laptop. Contact Revolution if you have an interest in doing that instead.

See video below - contact Revolution with questions!